"I think about it a lot... I don't know that a PhD is what's for me because I don't want to spend another 4 or 5 years in school. I want to get out and make a difference. And I've also thought about just joining the Peace Corps...I don't know I want to be making a change. I want to probably have a family. I don't know where in the future that lies but somewhere. I just want to be content with who I am and what I'm doing."
17 June 2017: Diver, chemist, footballer, dual citizen, and so much more, Alison Lightfoot and I talk about everything from black bears (Dwight Schrute anyone?) and wedding planning to putting yourself in uncomfortable situations to grow and even the uncertainty of death. A lot to learn from this awesome lady. Have a listen!
Reflections on My Conversation: Loved this conversation almost as much as I love Alison in general! Been so lucky to have her as a teammate and friend for the past four years and this chat encapsulated how much fun she is but how incredibly thoughtful and caring she is as a person. I mean we talked about everything from what to do when you encounter a bear to death and our place in the cosmic universe. I think my biggest take away from talking to Alison is how gutsy she is and how positively she looks at the world. A lot of times I let my fears and faults cripple me to the extent where I cower away or remove myself but Alison takes things head on and I am in awe of that. And she confronts those fears with a smile on her face...how??? I certainly don't have the same amount of courage or initiative as her quite yet but she has inspired me to challenge myself and get myself out of my comfort zone a bit more. Thanks for chatting Alison. :)